Thursday, January 1, 2009


There's a lot of pressure in writing the first blog of the new year. I'm not sure why, exactly, but there are all these 'shoulds and musts' that float silently around it, forming these odd, unwritten rules to go by. What's really odd about it is that I'm the one making them.
Anyways, forget all that. It's info time.

This Christmas holiday has been fantastic. On the 17th, James and I hopped on a plane, and two movies later (I watched Wall-E and Sound of Music, for those interested) we were in Vancouver. James' parents picked us up, then dropped us off at Stewart's rehearsal dinner, where we met the bride to be, and ate a lot of Chinese food. James was pretty busy with wedding stuff for the first few days, which was to be expected (he's a bit of a planner) but this was all right. I had three good books in my back pack, with nothing but time to read them. Glorious.
That being said, post- wedding time made for a much more relaxed, proper beginning to the holidays. Surrey got dumped on with snow, which made for excellent snow shoeing conditions in the mountains, and sledding behind Mark's truck in the subdivision.
James knows I naturally like to be outside, but when in B.C, this casual 'like' turns to love and it's been a blossoming relationship :) I love it there.

On the first morning, James' and I were both up before the sun came up so we could go for a walk in the snowy streets, and knock on Dan's window to say Hi. That first early morning started a trend in my sleeping habits, and I was usually wide awake by5:30 am . Not ideal.

But honestly, the 10 days spent in B.C. are a blur. I recall everything being very enjoyable, but flying past. Now I'm home, and the pace has slowed. Considerably. Work on the nursery in negative degree weather can do that to you. Time passing tends to correlate well with sluggish, freezing body movement. We have had weird weather over here with a few major wind storms resulting in fallen hoop houses and ripped up poly. Repairs were in our hands, because my brothers and I actually need to make some money, so we'll have to see how things stand when the next storm rolls around.

But home is good. It usually is. It's the place to be before heading off into a new year, so that you can get rested up and pumped up for the next leg of the journey at school, and then who knows where.
I hope everyone is having enjoyable holidays! That's all from me. Happy New Year!

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