Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I know I've been blogging a lot lately, but I just can't bring myself to end this semester with "Snow Goose, Call of the Wild"- sets the bar too high for next year.

There's a lot happening tomorrow. For one, I'm flying to B.C. at 2:00pm with James Glenn Harskamp, where I will be spending the holidays. Woop woop!
This marks the first time in my life that I will not be home for Christmas, which makes both me, and my mom, a little sad. Not to worry though, with a little pre-planning, we were able to pull off our traditional family gourmet dinner last night, and it was spectacular. Sixteen of us around a table, only about half of us actually having a bit of a clue about tasty dishes (myself not included) and a lot of singing.
Gold. But I am excited to head out West.

It's now 1:00 am and whatever I thought was so pressing to blog about has left me, no doubt for a better writer. Good Riddance.

And good night.

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