Tuesday, December 9, 2008

three french hens

I want to start this blog with a big list of regrets
1) no pictures.
2) we did too many things and took too little pictures
3) the fact that I can hardly recall what we all did this semester because I have no pictures to jog my memory.

End of list of regrets

But here's a list of some good things I remember
1) Karaoke with our house
2) Purple van man
3) Sauble Beach!
4) dancing downtown
5) "what's new with you" England parties
6) free movies on demand thanks to Ally's LIES
7) Moppers!
8) Irish pubs
9) Sex jokes with the married friends
10) Wine and cheese party at the boy's house
11) Polka dot party
12) Under the Sea shabang
13) Tim's gig/ Allasaurus concert
14) Montanna's for drinks- just like old times
15) Waxing my legs with Robyn on the kitchen floor :) horrifying.
16) 'my heart will go on" on the Wii American Idol- (just for the record Robyn- I won. Nailed that last note)
17) LENNY! Our lobster prank that almost cost me my relationship
18) 2008 Tacky Sweater Christmas Party
19) Hike through Fall
20) Kuyper's Cafe: spellbound by Craig's genius
21) Zebra muscles ( that one was made up)
22) Firecracker prank on the boys front step.. gold.
23) GREAT meals with the house, and our adopted boys. (James, Ryan, Tim)
24) Sunday soup bonding hour. Priceless.
25) pillow fight in our underwears. aaaaaaaahahahhahhah
26) Trina took to sewing, cooking, mending, and cleaning house for pay. What a woman.
27) Robyn got a tattooooooooo!
28) suprise flowers from James (a personal highlight, in case you're interested)
29) cooking time with Robyn- always a reason to hit the "sauce" a little early :)
30) Half- made fort. I love forts.
31) BIG MAC AT 3 a.m, after forcing Trine to get up and drive us. Again, what a woman.
32) Getting woken up by James at 8 am, walking to Timmies for breakfast, and being there long enough to hit up lunch. Fantastic
33) Danielle's birthday. Which got a little out of hand, thanks to Ryan Geoffrey Gelense. But memorable nonetheless.
34) EXAM TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
35) you know the list is too long when Exams make "memorable moments"

The end.

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