Sunday, April 6, 2008

Practical Jokes

WHAT?!?!Yesterday I could have been sun-tanning on my deck, or playing leap frog. Neither of those activities could be accomplished because I was caged indoors for roughly 6 hours writing my final exams. That was yesterday. Today:
I wake up roughly around 8:00. The birds start the band up, the piano chimes in, Tiger stirs...what can I say-we are creatures of habit. So I orient myself, remember that today is Sunday, and that perhaps I will wear my nice spring skirt with sandals. These thoughts are interrupted by a lot of children yelling and laughing outside- so I whip back my curtain to see what's up.
BAM. Sandals are out.

This excites me. So much in fact that I ran in my pajamas to go wake up Heather. She was impressed, but not "sweet! Ya- I'll go sledding with you" excited, so I tried my luck at Sharon and Jodi's. After drilling 5 or 6 snowballs at their window- futile efforts when people sleep like the dead- I broke into their house and woke them up so they could share my joy. I was really crossing my fingers that this would impress them, because if not- I was screwed. Some people really like their sleep.
Again- they were impressed, but it was the "I'm half asleep, why are you here- oh because of the snow- this all makes sense... please take the video camera out of my face" sort of impressed.
Not really what I was going for.
And so I set off to my favorite field, on my own, with my camera. I forgot to mention that I was documenting all of these events. The last video went something like this.." this is my beautiful field transformed" Graceful full circle rotation, followed by a misstep, a leg in the air, two legs in the air, back on the ground.. and video still rolling.
I love the snow.

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