Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fun Never Stops!

Last night was 80's bowling... and it was fantastic. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves on this one.Timot's a stud. Diamond stud, fohawk, suit jacket, and ripped up jeans- improved his bowling game by at least 32 %I'm not sure how Gabby did it, but her poof was at least three inches high- Best hair award went to her. Best dressed went to Alisha- who we all think secretly teleported here straight from the 80's- most likely through the mystical standing stones- as we all know were constructed for time travel. Sharon was hot. She had a onesie! Does it get any better than a stripey tube top that turns into shorts!? I might have to bring that one back with me to the nursery. Simple and efficient dressing is back in folks. As are florescent tights. Maple Leaf won't know what hit 'em. Best 'leg in bowling balls' shot went to Ree. It was a self- proclaimed award. :)Hair Spray-- great dance movesGirl on left: It is either Beth, or Elaine from Seinfeld. She looked great. Girl on right: Megan- Queen of Dance Dance Revolution
Dance Dance Revolution!

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