Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pip Pip

I was deleting some of the paper's saved on my computer that I don't ever want to read again, when I found this. I'm not sure when or why I wrote it, but it serves as a nice summary of how I felt and feel about this wonderful town.

It’s amazing how small town life can grow on you. At first you don’t know what to think. It’s not great, but it’s not terrible, it’s just different. Then you start to like the “different”, then you start to love the “different” until it’s not so different from what you like, and then there you have it- you’re hooked. Once your “like” turns into “crave”, you know it’s the real deal. That’s how I feel about this place. I’m not sure what it is, maybe the spring air that has brought every possible tree down my lane into full blossom, or maybe it’s the constant church bells, or the girl practicing piano across the paper thin wall, or perhaps the way the town comes alive on weekends. I just don’t know what it is, but my schedule here is consistent. I wake up, I jog around the town for 20 minutes ( believe me when I say this is a small town), I eat muesli, I go to class, and I look forward to getting off that train and re-entering my little home away from home. Tiger greets me every day, having established that we must play together for at least 5-10 minutes a day, I go to my room, I try to tidy it, I fail at that, and then I make myself a cup of coffee and see what the T.V. has to offer.

It just makes me really appreciate this kind of opportunity. I don’t think I’ll have it ever again. Ever. That’s a very long time. I am at home in a complete stranger’s home. I am living in England, with a very cool girl, with whom I just spent a good majority of my Friday evening with at the pub, joking with friends and drinking alcoholic Cider (which I haven’t had back home, and it’s a crying shame) School is not tough, although perhaps getting great grades is, and I am not worried in the least about making it through this course. I am happy. Better yet-I am content. I will miss this place.

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