Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Thanks Robyn- Here's a little something about myself

I like walking in barefeet at 7:15 am after it rains and the fields are really muddy

I like singing Celine Dion at the top of my lungs in the shower

I have learned to love bugs, and I'm not sure why, but when they land on me I really like it. I saved a worm today, and I poked open a spider sac and about 100 baby spiders popped out. So cool.

I like singing songs in Spanish Church

I have a huge and sometimes overwhelming desire to cut loose and become a gypsy- but only for a month or something... because I like it here too.

When I was in grade one a boy smushed me into the gym wall and shattered my collar bone.

I spent almost every Monday night for the first two years of highschool in detention. You may think this reflects poorly on me, assuming I was some sort of bad ass. Not true. A shirt infraction, or misplaced pencil could wind you up in the office. Needless to say, highschool- with all the sports, drama, classes and detentions, was a pretty rocking good time.

That's seven.


Mr. H said...

You did not just say that about the spider.

Rebecca said...

At some point James, you will need to get over that fear.

Katrina VandenBerg said...

A gypsy! I've always wanted to meet a real one...
And I agree with James on the whole spider thing, excuse me as I go and have nightmares about it.

Tim Selles said...

youre weird. bugs are gross.