Monday, February 12, 2007


The human mind is incredible. To think that everything we ever encounter in our lives is somewhere lodged in our brains...and what we forget is still in there somewhere, unable to leak out. Weird to think that we can trap our thoughts in our heads forever. Weird even just to think. How does the mind even work? Can someone explain to me how a part of my mind can be studying for a history exam, while the other part of my mind is off in it's own world, thinking about completely irrelevent things, like what life would be like if you were a louse?

I mean, what makes you think what you think? If the answer is simply that outside stimulants trigger memories in your brain to be recalled, then i wonder why we are not consumed by our memories.. we are always seeing things that remind us of something. But, of course, we would be unable to function if that was the case-our minds would be permanently occupied with things from the past. So perhaps we have some sort of filter.. who knows?

What I think is truly amazing is that I am stuck here right now- at my house, in one room, on a chair- limited by my humanness to be anywhere else at this exact point in time, but my mind doesn't have the same rules. It defies all that-- and can travel wherever the heck it wants. So really-- right now i'm feeling trapped.. but the thoughts in my head ( which are also trapped) have the ability to make me feel a lot less trapped. Now that blows my mind...


D. J. Sikkema said...

this sounds a lot like a post I just read on someone else's blog... interesting

Rebecca said...

really? i haven't checked yours in a while.. i'll get on that :)