Tuesday, November 4, 2008


How is it November? In six weeks I'm in the clear, and into Christmas, and I'm just thinking I'd like to hit pause for a while to enjoy the sun. Today was incredible.

My dog Sampson has been adopted into my Hamilton home, and I have become his mom. He shadows me everywhere, like this big black fuzzy ball of fur with eyes- but then again, you can't even see his eyes, so he's just a black fuzzy ball. I love him.

Other than being a mom for the time being, I guess you could say I'm busy with school, but it's a vague sort of busy. I know I need to do things, but the dates are about as fuzzy as Sam. They too, shadow me everywhere. What an analogy.

This weekend was memorable. Friday night was not only Halloween, but Timot's chance to shine with his guitar at a coffee shop downtown.. He did well. In fact, he was amazing.

Then Brad and Evan turned the coffee shop atmosphere into a night club, which was equally as amazing. On Saturday we had our forever talked about wine and cheese formal party at the Guild. Girls in cocktail dresses, boys in suits, attempting to sound educated and refined over a glass of $9 dollar wine and some heated charades. Another good night.

Sunday brought James and I home to my lovely Lincoln region, and an amazing home-cooked meal. The nephews were delightful, particularly with James. At any rate, they're adorable.

My dad turned 48, and his nose and knees are still intact. I am amazed.

The cap-off of my memorable weekend ended with a big furry spider on the dash board of the car and a "visibly upset" James- to quote him directly. The situation was handled with calm maturity, while my cousin casually pulled to the side of the road and dropped a ten pound bag of dog food on the spider, crushing the spider before he could make his next move onto James' lap.


As for life in general, I am learning. And I hope it keeps up, or else I'll never keep up with how much is always going on, how time just keeps on pressing on.

Well, time to study about air pollution, and acid rain. Quiz starts at 8 am. It's 10:30. You can understand why I'm procrastinating.

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