Saturday, November 12, 2011

7 months!

He's got character :)
Looking down into a community that has been built in a volcanic crater.
At the top of Teleferico. Stunning view of mountain and city.

My baby is 7 months old today!

When we arrived in Ecuador, Jesse was 6 months old. He could hardly sit up on his own. He cried 2-3 times a night. He sat in a laundry basket. He did not eat solids.

The 7 month baby report : a whole new Jesse

We have Arlene to thank- full time missionary/part time baby coach. Having raised her own 6 kids, I was in no position to object to any of her suggestions regarding Jesse's lousy routine. It took about 1 week to train him. I may not be a 'routine' person, but I am now. I've figured out that I do enjoy sleeping for extended periods of time at night, and so does Jesse.
Now he goes to bed at 7:30, and he wants to be there. He grabs his blankie, curls up in a little ball, and sleeps. It's beautiful.
He proceeds to sleep until the sun comes up (5:30-6 am). I'll take it.
He eats a big bowl of oatmeal cereal with fruit--- gone are the days of acid re-flux, and loads of laundry.
He plays/crawls like lightning around the house, under tables, into cupboards, occasionally pulling himself up to a half-standing position and knocking his head on objects that get in his way.
When we sit down for breakfast, he squeels at our heels until he is pulled up into a lap to watch what goes on up there. Eating is something he is very interested in, and so he gets a few scraps to gum and gag on while we eat.
By 9:30 am, he's put in his time, and he's ready for bed. He'll be out until 11:30 (that gives me another 15 minutes to finish this post :)
He'll wake up, cry a little, get fed, and play around the house until 2 ish. Second nap-- and we can count on that lasting at least an hour.
By 7, he's washed, fed, and waiting for 7:30, so he can assume fetal position with his blankie.
Routine? He loves it.

This is probably old news for most moms, and a bit of a 'snore' report. My apologies. But it is news to me--great news-- and the future is promising.

Turns out, all Jesse needed was a trip to Ecuador :)
So, our family is doing well. God is blessing us, and we are doing what we can to be a blessing to others. The ESL classes started up last week, and we had 20 kids show the first day! It was so much fun to get up and teach again. I have missed it. James has found a new passion in his life in the form of web design, and plugs away diligently in his task of creating 4 of them before we take our leave. This coming Thursday I will be going on a women's retreat up in the mountains until Saturday. Their will be good food, good fellowship, and natural hot springs.
Rosi, a friend of mine from the church, invited me over for lunch the other day. She was cooking tortilla's de papas, (potato stuffed with onion, cheese, and garlic) and wanted me to come try out some real Ecuadorian cuisine. I am excited that she will be going on the retreat.
Last night, Ashleigh and her friend Jedidiah came over, bringing with them some Sangria and a pie. We played Euchre, ate pie, and sat in the hottub. We could have been in Canada.
That is to say, we are no longer settling-- we are settled. We are doing our best to soak up this experience, because it will be over in a flash. |
It is nice though, to feel home.


Ali said...

Wow! He's so big! I'm so happy that things are going well. Miss you two more everyday... wish we could hang out!
Keep up the posts :)

Vanessa Boekestyn said...

Hey Ree,
So glad to hear that Jesse is in a routine.. as a new Mom, I appreciate hearing all about it. Sounds like things are going very well and enjoy the rest of your time there:)

Danielle said...

I'm so happy to hear you guys are having a great time, and that Jesse's a happy camper too. Keep livin' it up!