Monday, September 13, 2010


My schedule:
Wake up: 7:00
Leave house: 8:00
Prep: 8-8:30
Teach at Columbia International College: 8:45-11:35
Eat something..
Hamilton District Christian High: Get there before start time--12:24
Teach: 12:24-3:00
Columbia Tutorials: 3:30-4:30
Groceries: 4:30-5:00
HOME: 5:00
dinner... etc.
You get the point...

A pretty normal workday, I'd say, but for some reason-- I'm POOOOPED.
Maybe it's because the evenings are no longer free.
They seem to involve a lot more planning, and a lot less socializing.

Anywhoo, what can I say? I love teaching, I love my students, and I love learning. It's a win win, except for the fact that I'm still poooped, and it's time to make dinner.

For those of you wondering what I'm up to, I hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

Instead of Salsa for the chip on your shoulder, I think you need some cheese for that wine. Ah haa.

Anonymous said...

but seriously, teaching is tiring.. I hear you.

Rebecca said...

Ok, anonymous brother Dave :)
You know what I'm talking about

dan brouwer said...

I did a wee bit of teaching and it was fun, but of course I didn't really get into any of the prepping or anything.

Nice to hear an update! hope you guys are doing well! Let's see a photo of your class?

keep at it!