Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Things I love about life on Aberdeen

1) I am in walking distance to the library

2) I can see and be comforted by the forest on our 'doorstep' and the city at our backdoor.

3) The convenience store

4) Early Saturday morning breakfasts at "West Town"

5) Starbucks after Vindaloo

6 ) A brother-in-law who can pop in for sloppy Joe's and a slice of custard pie

7) That James enjoys public transit

8) That I enjoy our car

9) The city-sky line in the morning, with the church spires set against a red sky

10) Being three floors up, with an enormous amount of sunlight to keep me warm and smiley

11) I can spot a boneless chicken breast special at the local deli, buy it, and go on with my clothes shopping down the street, swinging a bag of thawed, floppy chicken

12) Diversity

13) Styles that I didn't think existed, that exist on Locke Street

14) Hearing children run through this old house

15) Communal pancakes with the house mates

16) When Rachel brings up leftover spinach rolls

17) Dumping my recycling in the neighbor's bin across the road, because ours got picked up already

18) Being only 10 minutes away from our friends and fam

19) Open windows in November

20) Christmas coming and taking our house with it

21) Being married!

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