Friday, September 11, 2009


This is James. He and the shower are having a disagreement. Now I'll begin the virtual tour of our cozy little "bachelor pad". After hustling up 2 flights of stairs, you will hang a sharp left and see this. Our "entrance way".
If you make the connection from the previous picture, you'll see the same pot with a lovely green plant in it. Take that as your point of reference. To the left of the entrance way is our living room. Furniture is compliments of my grandma, who spotted these beauties on the side of the road. Excellent find. James is there in the corner setting up our "T.V" which quite conveniently operates as our source of music and emails and everything else a computer lets you do. Genius, really. If James were to stand up in the above photo, and look out, he'd see this. Part of our kitchen, a bit of a book shelf, and his laundry. Now, if that laundry basket would take three steps to my left, it would be in the proper spot- James' clothes closet. To the extreme right is the radiator- which seems insignificant, really- but I point it out because to the right of that we have placed our incredibly comfortable bed- which is represented somewhere below.
Directly across from the kitchen, visually, and about 5 paces literally, is our dining room. We eat three healthy meals a day here, unless we have lunch at our schools, and Audrey Hepburn has faithfully attended each occasion-along with "Heppie"- our wooden Mexican turtle. That's Heppie on the sugar jar, James and Audrey. A tad crowded at times, but for the most part, a really good time.

This is me, standing in front of the kitchen and pointing at my unfinished painting which is standing on my Opa's art easel. I really should finish that soon...
Self explanatory, really. A familiar sight. Also, quite familiar :)Ah, and now we have the radiator to the left, and as I promised, the bed located beside it.

And the disagreement has been resolved.

And there you have it folks. A quick tour of the apartment. It still needs a few touch ups, but for the most part, it is quite livable and lovable. It's quite bright, and cheery, and so far, well visited. I hope that aspect never changes! And now that you have seen it, specifically family in BC, feel free to drop in to say hello! James' makes fantastic coffee.. and my baking isn't terrible. We'd love to have you!

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