Sunday, October 3, 2010

So I left off marking 40 essays all weekend, and now it's Sunday night, and the task still awaits me. I should have got them done Saturday morning, but sleeping in is a luxury that only comes once a week. It couldn't be wasted.
And then there was the annual pioneer day in Jordan Station, and no one should turn down something "annual" because they'll regret it for a year. Plus, the nephews loved it.
I thought I might get some work done at mom's, but it's just not possible. Between hot chocolate, snacks, conversation, bouncing nephews, and all that jazz, the papers sat untouched.
Of course my back up plan was to just get it done at Michelle's, where James and I would be babysitting on Saturday night, but at the last second I changed my mind, because James' was heading to Boston on Sunday, and I wanted to hang out with him. So we hung out with the boys, watched Winnie the Pooh, put them to bed, ate chips and ice cream, cuddled on the couch and watched Titanic. Classic.
Now I'm home, in our apartment, but James' isn't here and I'm just not feeling motivated. Might be the head cold/ husband being gone. Or maybe I'm just pregnant. I'll go with that one. Because I am, due in April, and feeling a bit nauseous. Time to eat some soup.


dan brouwer said...

pregnant!? Congratulations you guys! This is exciting! woah! :)

what was James in Boston for and for how long?

man alive...Congrats again!

Rebecca said...

Sorry Dan! I thought James already informed yoU! Not the nicest way to find out... my bad. James is at a conference for science stuff :) until Thursday night. We will definitely give you ring once he's back.

ade drost said...

WOW!!! How great! So exciting....hope you start to feel better me - gets MUCH better :)

Katlyn said...

i am happy you are blogging lots.
keep it up :)