Monday, February 4, 2008


Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more.
Find Page 123.
Find the first 5 sentences.
Post the next 3 sentences.

The gun roared. 'It's done, then. I'm eighteen and all alone.'
Kite Runner

I think posting this may have ruined the story for a few people. Woops. But in my defence, I was tagged and so you see, I had no choice. Thanks Brian. I also feel like I should have had a book nearby that actually pertained to my studies, like Shakespeare. James and Brian both do. But it's weird. I have three plays to read for tomorrow, and I can't put down "the Kite Runner"
Oh well, what can you do. Classes are cancelled for the day, and so I've got all day to read. Ha. Not true.
I'm going to London!

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