Thursday, January 17, 2008


This blog is to end my blog drought. You know you are in a blog drought when your last blog is a title, and the intentions are there to continue, but when you look at the title, you think "this is suffice." Now a new semester is about to begin, and I'd like to say a few words. The first thing I'd like to say is the usual, and that is this, where does the time go? Did I honestly spend a week in BC? I can't believe it. But whatever the case, and no matter how fast the time went, BC was fantastic. Visiting James' family and friends, hikes in the rain, competitive Settlers, 'booking' in Vancouver, dinner dates, the movies, skiing in a white out on a real mountain (I emphasize real because Ontario doesn't have them) - all of it was such a treat. Now I'm back, and in a bit of a limbo stage, seeing my friends frantically get assignments together and suffer hours and hours of class while I sit and socialize and attempt to be organized for my next big trip. Which brings me to England. I leave tomorrow. How do I feel? Well, I don't. I haven't really sat down and thought about the fact that I won't be back at Redeemer until next September. It doesn't seem too real to me right now, and it most likely won't until I leave. Tomorrow. Oh man. But I suppose with time's habit of picking up speed at a seemingly exponential rate, it would only be fair for these next 3 1/2 months to fly by as well. We'll see what happens. The rest of my blogs will be posted from across the ocean, so this segway may be a tad lame in comparison, but I hope that whoever reads these little reflections will enjoy them, and feel free to write me! Not to sound desperate or anything, but I can imagine I may get lonely, and the best cure for that is to hear from friends. It's true. Ask Marva Dawn about social intimacy.
That's all from this side of the globe.

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