Saturday, August 11, 2007


Mike, Matt, myself. The permanent seating arrangement at the back of the van because Megan gets car sick, Dave likes to sit by Megan, and of course mom gets shot gun. I don't know what it is about my two little gremlin brothers, but man, they make me laugh. They think they've mastered the Texan drawal, and so everything that comes out of their mouth sounds ridiculous. Example ( quoting something they heard on the radio)
"Tell your Unkie what you learned at that there fancy university"
"Pie a' square'
"Noo you duumb shit. Everyone knows that pie a' round. Cornbread a' square"
Then they will laugh hysterically- and say it all again- and by the 10th time, it does get pretty funny. ( I suppose it's something you have to hear for yourself, accent and all)

Last night we slept at Dave's house. There is one bed- and my parents got it.
Megan and I slept on the carpet upstairs, the boys shared one blanket downstairs, and then Mike took off and slept in the van. He is probobly roasting. I had the kind of sheet that is fitted to go around every corner of a mattress. My shoulders and feet did the job, creating a nice cacoon that was comfortable for 2 hour intervals. It was good night.

Well, I have to go pack. In a couple hours I'll be flying out of here.

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