Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fact. James is back and I am glad.
Fiction. Read the "adventure's of Duddy Kravitz" for a good piece of literary fiction.
Fact. The month of May has seen an increase in shipping of 48% compared to last May.
Fiction. The notion that I will ever get off work before 7pm

Hey everyone. Work is busy, the sun is hot, the days fly by, and my summer so far has been swell. ( That word is underused, so I'm bringing it back.) The fact that James just arrived in Ontario this past Monday has allready improved my summer by a good, oh let's say 27 %. That number- be it high for some, or low for others, means absolutey nothing to me, I picked it at random. But what I'm trying to say is that there has been a marked improvement to an allready great summer which makes me excited for the next few months. Moving on.

Jersey, the golden retriever that tramples all the plants on the farm, attacked a gosling today and killed it. The mother is now in mourning. The little one is sorely missed.

The wildlife in the packing barn keeps me amused when I'm fairly bored. Each corner has a nest of different baby birds. They will be jumping out any day-- which makes me wonder, are they insane? They certainly can't fly, so what would possess them to step off a 16 foot ledge? It's a possible death sentence! ahh well- thank goodness for fluffy down.

Considering I'm talking excessively about birds, and that I just said "fluffy down" I am thinking that I have nothing too new or exciting to contribute to this update. It is also late, and I am beat. The sun has been relentlessly frying my skin. I feel like a sauteed mushroom. Eww.

Now it's really time to get to bed. Adios todos! Me gusta pato.


Mr. H said...

Satueed mushrooms are fantastic. You are fantastic. Being in Ontario has now become fantastic.

Vanessa Brouwer said...

Awe... I witnessed that poor lil gosling suffer the fate of Jersey. The lil bird was so close to getting away when it got stuck on a rope with seaweed on it and was then caught in the jaws of Jersey.. I might've shed a tear; it was an awful sight.

Rebecca said...

oh wow. That's pretty gruesome Vaness,

Trine- don't worry, i'm sure it's in heaven

Katrina VandenBerg said...

im comforted by the fact that the gosling is in a better place... but my heart goes out to the poor mother who had to witness the masacre of her first born son.

Robyn deGroot said...

awww poor birdie. Make sure you save all the ones that fall out of their nests.

Tim Selles said...

Hey, Duddy Kravitz was one of the few books I enjoyed in Eng 222! I didn't know there was such thing as a gosling, but I bet that it's not actually in a better place. I betcha its just plain dead like all birds are when they get killed, and it got digested in the belly of the infamous Jersey. HAHAHAHA!!

Katrina VandenBerg said...

tim, you are awful.

Mr. H said...

I like you, now blog again.

Tim Selles said...

James, I thought you liked me? Do I have to change my facebook relationship status??? Because that would crush me.

Tim Selles said...

blog again! its been almost a month!!