Monday, January 29, 2007

Time of your Life

Childhood. Roughly 15 years of your life to be a kid. Not a heck of a lot- if you think about it. For some reason, my friends and I always had a keen sense of awareness that those years would be preciously short-- a span of time that would whip us around, fling us full force into a million adventures, and then dump us into the real world- as adults. And here I am. 20. I’m not sure when the transition happened- time is so gradual, but there is no denying that at 20, you’re not a kid anymore. “Fun” connotates (?) something completely different than when I was 10 or even 15.. and yet, strangely, I often still feel like a kid. I made a fort a few weeks ago in our living room, consisting of 8 mattresses, sheets draped like a ginormous tent, and heaps of pillows to keep things cozy. Then we had a slumber party. And I’m 20. My sister was married at 20. Wow- time flies.

Today I went home for a visit and the boys went out to boot around on the snowmobiles with my cousins. They were pulling tubes- whipping the kids at 100mph. I lasted about 3 minutes in the living room socializing with the Bakkers before I decided I had to try out that tube. Well worth it. I told Michelle she had to get out there- but she was taking care of Benjamin. She’s very responsible. But even if he didn’t need a diaper change, I can’t see my sister on the back of a tube being yanked around the pasture behind a snowmobile…

But maybe this has absolutely nothing to do with growing up. Perhaps it’s dumb of me to even draw that comparison. We’ve always been completely different. But it just hits me sometimes, like my sister’s jab to the ribs (she has a nasty sucker punch :) that we are SO different. Maybe I’m just not going to be the type of person who outgrows my childhood pastimes. Maybe what I did for fun, and do for fun, will always be fun—and I’ll just never get off that “snowmobile” that whips me around, and flings me full force into the unknowns of life- and I’ll face each challenge, obstacle, and unknown as an adventure- Sounds ideal. I wonder if that’s how I’ll turn out? I guess time will tell.


Conny said...

Wow, once again you brought tears to my eyes... Ree.. it really is ok to be different.. those are gift sometimes God gives us... I can totally relate to you .. feeling so different and yet wanting things of the pass...seeing your sister having a family and resposibility that you might alway understand...perhaps thinking your parents don't understand you like you would want them too... I totally get that.. you forget I am also a second daughter... and I do understand things .. Remember one thing Ree, everyone has unquie gift and special gift to offer.. you my dear are very special.. and your gifts are amazing... just continue with your goals... things will fall in place... God is always Faithfull...
Love ya sweetie..

Conny said...

Ok it's me again.. Ree... sometime we just need to wait on God... seriously.. You have so many questions about life, or things you have been through... oh man , who hasn't been through thing... but sometime just wait on God... just be quiet and listen to what God has to say to you... that inner voice ... that peace you seek... its there... you know it.. you hear it... He will let you know...
ok... Have a good week at school ... and I am always thinking of you..
once again Love ya

D. J. Sikkema said...

hey ree, i can't get into my blog. I'm such a failure at blogging...i'm a bloser...or a blog head? ok, anyways, my blog seems to be as shortlived as your laughter at my witty blog what do i do? maybe start another one? !@#$ alright peace out...
also, i know how it feels to be different. For years I thought only I had this insanely ridiculously good looking face , but than i met dave...

Katrina VandenBerg said...

hey ree, i for one hope you never lose that spirit of yours.
its crazy to think that we are grown up when i still feel like i should be frolicking in a field somewhere and playing house.
keep riding those snowmobiles i love being one of the passengers.

Katrina VandenBerg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca said...

hey guys. wow- don't worry! I love being a little different! and with comparing myself to Michelle- i love her to death, but i don't want to be like her! I am content with how God made me-
and doug- start a new blog... preferably one that i can understand..

D. J. Sikkema said...

ok, the same blog is going, in a flash of brilliance i remembered my password and i let the momentum of that divine muse carry me into a scathing rant about blogs, hope you enjoy.


ps. i think you are my only audience! i have yet to announce i'm writing a blog

Unknown said...

Hey Ree,
Wow, you do have a gift of writing! Thank-you for sharing your insight and spirit.
Yes, you and Mich are different but in beautiful ways...every person has special gifts & talents.
Dad & I are so incredibly proud of our daughters, to see them grow into beautiful women, full of insight and spirit. You have a spirit full of life, which is a wonderful thing. Never change, always be joyful and young in heart. Never be anxious about the future..the Lord will always there for you..He is our Faithful Covenantal Father. In time all things will unfold, in His time.
"Be still and know that I am God."Psalm 46

D. J. Sikkema said...

Ree, i want a new post from you already. Call it, Road to Avonlea. Wink wink, nudge nudge.


Vanessa Brouwer said...

Hey Ree, thanks for encouraging me to read your blogs. I really enjoyed this one especially because I feel many of the same emotions as the second oldest sister. She still loves to hop on that snowmobile as we did a couple of weeks ago and just boot around together and I loved it! I'm recognizing that even though we are not as young as we once were, we can understand the new blessing revealed everyday as we get older. I do miss our days of crazyness at times and love acting like that some days just like you did in making the fort. The best part is that we are able to have the time of our life acting as young as we once were...

Vanessa Brouwer said...

I dont think we will every fully lose it and I hope that it will stay in us. I got a little taste of that today when I had to teach a lesson plan for grade three students to ppl in my Teaching Music class that were all in their 4th and 5th year at Redeemer. Having a couple of them jump and sing with me was such a great time b/c everyone let themselves go. God grants us the ability to feel like children every once in a while and just be able to enjoy life as it is given to us... like riding a tube whipped around at top speeds.

mike said...

mom, why dont you care about me??