Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Purple Van Man

Note to all boys in the world that if they are trying to start a widespread panic in any girls house, they just need to make a phone call that says there is a creepy purple van, complete with creepy man, who is slowly cruising near the house. Thanks James.

I understand the concern one might have, if there is a suspicious looking van loitering on Springbrook, but honestly. Some people have 8:00 am class, and sleep doesn't look promising when news like that gets around. After the fits of shrieking and panic, and the occasional intentional scare from me and Robyn (sorry, but it had to be done) we hatched a game plan in case any crazy man did try to get into our place. Much to our embarrassment, it got as far as 'call the boys and tell them to come protect us'. Which is what we did, and what they did. I don't care what girls nowadays try and say- I'm happy to have men in this world that we can trust to keep us safe. This comforts me.

That was last night. Tonight we decided to bolt from the house for a while, and bond with the girls. Karaoke and bonding go hand in hand, and so we went to Boston Pizza (Wednesday is Karaoke night) and sang our hearts out. It was fantastic. On coming home- Ally led the way into the house, only to find the door wasn't closed when she pushed on it. Of course, this led us into our second house panic, and so I grabbed an old pair of crutches and we stalked through the house, checking bedrooms and spare rooms, and under the beds. On finding no crazy intruder, we had a celebratory dance party. And that is the brief update on the last two nights at our place. It's been fun.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

4th year. My final year. So far it has me hitting the soccer field for 2 hours a day- conveniently scheduled during dinner time, and suffering from what I assume to be caffeine withdrawal.
I have finally accepted the fact that I may indeed be hooked on coffee (thanks mom) and being back in the swing of school, and out of my home environment, I have not yet had the pleasure of a good home brew. This may explain the headaches.

But it is great to be back. Our home really is home. Clean, matching dishes, colourful flowers, new curtains, freshly baked zucchini muffins, teal walls, and pleasant company- I am truly in my element. The boys' house is not far off, being quite cozy as well, but definitely lacking a woman's touch. As it should be.

As for classes- I have mixed feelings. English, religion, creative writing= exciting! A three hour lab on water= blaah. This is mostly because I feel hugely out of my element taking a science course, when the last time I even considered something to do with chemistry was in high school.. before I dropped it to take a spare and work for my dad instead. Practical application has room for improvement.

In any case, we had our first soccer tourny this past Saturday- where I managed to squeeze in a goal before I pulled my quad and had to sit out for the rest of the day. But, muscles do heal, and I'm hoping mine gets its act together before Thursday (our first away game). Even more exciting than my quad is the fact that this Friday we are hosting an "under the sea" party. It looks promising.

Well, there's the quick update on life back at Redeemer.